Friday, February 11, 2022

Rain man essay

Rain man essay

The Luo migrated from the Nile region of Sudan around 15 century. Compare And Contrast Rain Man And Of Mice And Men Words 3 Pages. Hire verified rain man essay. Charlie uses Raymond to get out of the debt, winning big at a Vegas casino where they played blackjack and counting cards, rain man essay. Christian Worldview Pages: 5 page s.

Plot Summary of "Rain Man"

Rain Man starts off with a pompous self-centered business man rain man essay Charlie Babbitt. Charlie is in deep water trying to save his business when he receives a phone call alerting him that his father has passed away, rain man essay. Charlie tells Susanna that his mother had died when he was two, his father showed him minimal affection, and when he was scared he had an imaginary friend named Rain Man that would sing to him, rain man essay. He also tells Susanna the reason why his relationship with his father had come to an end. His father denies him, rain man essay, so Charlie takes the car anyways without permission. Charlie and his friends rain man essay driving around town when they are pulled over because his father calls in a report of a stolen car.

Charlie left home as soon as he had gotten out and never looked back. The estate though, amounting to 3 million dollars had been left to a private trustee. Very upset Charlie goes to the local bank to get information on who is in charge of the private trust, this leads Charlie to Wallbrook. During his search for the trustee at Wallbrook, rain man essay, Charlie is shocked with news that he has a brother he never knew, Raymond Babbitt, a high functioning autistic savant. Bruner who in charge of the trust and care taker of Raymond tells Charlie about his brother and the challenges he faces every day, rain man essay. Although, all Charlie seems to be interested in is how to get half of the money he thinks he deserves.

Charlie takes Raymond off the institution grounds without permission with hopes to use him a leverage to get his half of the money. Charlie and his brother embark on a rain man essay trip that not only exposes Charlie to a world he never knew, but to the many unresolved issues within him, rain man essay. Although he does observes that he is good at memorization and quite smart, Raymond lacks the understanding of social formalities. Charlie had been two years old when his Father had sent Raymond away because he thought he had hurt baby Charlie with a hot bath resulting in a burn. While getting closer to his brother and learning a little more patience for him, Charlie takes Raymond to Vegas.

In Vegas, Charlie uses Raymond to impressively counts cards and wins the money he needs to save his business and cover the hotel fees. The two brothers share an intimate moment and dance together. As the movie comes to an end, Charlie has focused on someone other than himself. He has found compassion in his heart and no longer wants his share of the money, but to stay with his brother. Upon returning to Los Angeles Charlie set up a custody hearing to see who will keep his brother, rain man essay. Although he has made a real connection to Raymond over the past couple of days, Charlie returns his brother to Dr. Bruner, seeing that that is what is best for him. He then promises Raymond that he will see him in two weeks as he boards the train back to Wallbrook. Section 2: After watching Rain Man there were several different psychological issues that were present.

One of the first and most apparent issues present was one of the main characters, Charlie Babbitt who has relationship and family issues. Charlie had no personal attachments to anyone and he had resentment towards his father. Charlie also had a hard time with emotional expression. Charlie does the same with his own personal relationships. The next issues are Raymond Babbitt, rain man essay, an Autistic Savant. Raymond has memory issues, rain man essay, emotional issues, and psychodynamic consciousness id issues, rain man essay. Raymond has extraordinary memory. He is able to recall information after just learning it once. Raymond can do complex math problems in a matter of seconds. Raymond can barely understand emotional expressions in a traditional sense.

Raymond is stuck in what Freud called the Id. The id is a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic drives and immediate gratification. Myers, This pertains to Raymond because he wants his needs satisfied immediately if not he has a tantrum. One example is Raymond had to have his schedule exactly the same as Wallbrook. Same foods on the same days, rain man essay, same shows at the same times, same clothes, bed near the window, and many more. Section 3: The film Rain Man depicted the issues quite well. The film makers did a good job at capturing the audiences interests in autism, family dynamics, rain man essay, and the influences parents and peers can have on one another.

I think it sparks an interest in Autistic people because it poses questions like can autistic people really be that rain man essay functioning? Do family relations have that much of an influence in how we act? Or even rain man essay you be that high functioning rain man essay but not understand the little concepts such as the value of money. In the movie the characters both definitely depict some psychological issues. Charlie cannot seem to comprehend what Raymond is going through or have any empathy for him. From Charlie point of view he had frustration, lack of communication, and pathological lies. Charlie went through a personal growth throughout the movie and was able to connect and form a real personal relationship with his brother.

They showed that special need people go through many challenges every day. That it takes patience and understanding to deal rain man essay someone who is unable rain man essay comprehend social norms. That you must be self-less and caring to someone who may be grown in body but childlike in mind. I think this movie might misinform some people because they might assume all autistic people are the same as in the movie or that everyone will treat autistic people with the kind of frustration that Charlie did. The movie though may help in some way in that they may realize that there needs to be some patience when it comes to people with special needs.

Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Man Rain Man. Rain Man 8 August Hire verified writer. Rain Man Essay Example. Related Essays. Black Rain Essay Research Paper BLACK RAIN Cat in the rain Cat in the Rain The Rain The Rain I Am Rain After The Rain Acid Rain Acid Rain Autism and Rain Man Heavy Rain. Rain man essay limited time offer! Save Time On Research and Writing. Get My Paper. Popular Topics family coca cola jewellery cricket leadership childhood alice in wonderlan dieting human customer service.

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Order Now. When Charlie learns that his father has died, he quickly travels to Cincinnati from Los Angeles, where he was reselling Lamborghinis to very shady clients. The only thing he really inherits is a Buick Roadmaster, something he and his dad fought head over heels for. This is a symbolic material object because it represents the rift in the relationship Charlie had with his father. Raymond is a savant, or someone who has prodigious and genius capabilities beyond what a normal person would have. The catch is that savants have serious mental disabilities, and is today known as severe autism. Raymond sticks to an extremely strict schedule, and gets upset when he is thrown off his routine.

The only emotion he really shows is distress and confusion, and he has amazing recall abilities. Charlie, wanting the money, takes Raymond out of the mental institution and brings him to a hotel. His girlfriend, Susanna, sees that Charlie only cares about the money, and leaves the hotel. The doctor refuses and this fuels Charlie to try and gain custody of Raymond. Raymond does not want to go to Los Angeles, so the brothers decide to go on a road trip that leads to them bonding. Charlie learns that Raymond has a mental calculator, which gives him the ability to count objects extremely fast, sometimes by the hundreds.

As the movie progresses, Charlie learns that the Lamborghinis have been taken by the creditor, and he is now 80, dollars under. Charlie uses Raymond to get out of the debt, winning big at a Vegas casino where they played blackjack and counting cards. The doctor offers Charlie a quarter million dollars to leave Raymond there, but he refuses to take the money and says that he now wants to be with Raymond. In the final scene at the train station, Charlie drops Raymond off to board to train back to the mental institution with his doctor. Charlie promises him that he will see Raymond in two weeks. In my opinion, I learned a lot from this, and I think that by the end everyone will have learned something about autism in general. There are also ways in which autism affects the family unit.

Parents can also feel resentment and guilt due to their resentment. Tending to a child with autism can also impact marriages negatively due to financial stress and lack of free time. While getting closer to his brother and learning a little more patience for him, Charlie takes Raymond to Vegas. In Vegas, Charlie uses Raymond to impressively counts cards and wins the money he needs to save his business and cover the hotel fees. The two brothers share an intimate moment and dance together. As the movie comes to an end, Charlie has focused on someone other than himself. He has found compassion in his heart and no longer wants his share of the money, but to stay with his brother.

Upon returning to Los Angeles Charlie set up a custody hearing to see who will keep his brother. Although he has made a real connection to Raymond over the past couple of days, Charlie returns his brother to Dr. Bruner, seeing that that is what is best for him. He then promises Raymond that he will see him in two weeks as he boards the train back to Wallbrook. Section 2: After watching Rain Man there were several different psychological issues that were present. One of the first and most apparent issues present was one of the main characters, Charlie Babbitt who has relationship and family issues. Charlie had no personal attachments to anyone and he had resentment towards his father.

Charlie also had a hard time with emotional expression. Charlie does the same with his own personal relationships. The next issues are Raymond Babbitt, an Autistic Savant. Raymond has memory issues, emotional issues, and psychodynamic consciousness id issues. Raymond has extraordinary memory. He is able to recall information after just learning it once. Raymond can do complex math problems in a matter of seconds. Raymond can barely understand emotional expressions in a traditional sense. Raymond is stuck in what Freud called the Id. The id is a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic drives and immediate gratification. They prefer solitary or ritualistic play instead of group games.

They engage in little or no pretend or imaginative play. Autistic people may not respond to eye contact or smiles, and may even avoid eye contact. They may treat others as objects instead of people and show a lack of empathy towards others. Autistic would rather spend time alone than with others. Autistic people may also have unusual responses to sensory information. For xample, they may have heightened or low senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste. An autistic person would not jump when they heard a loud noise, although they may find normal noises painful and hold hands over ears. They may withdraw from physical contact because it is over stimulating or overwhelming. They may have heightened or lowered responses to pain.

They may also rub surfaces and lick objects. Autistic people may get stuck on a single topic or task. They may also have a short attention span. Autistic people tend to have very narrow interests and may show a strong need for sameness. An autistic person may be either very overactive or very passive. They may also show aggression towards themselves or others. People with autism have specific neuropsychological deficits that produce many of the symptoms associated with autism. It has been identified that prefrontal impairments are present in autistic people that affect things like spatial working memory, attention shifting, and response inhibition.

Also, there have been impairments detected in the medial temporal lobe and in facial processing. It has also been shown that very young children with autism have abnormal ERP responses to faces, emotions, and speech. It has also been shown that people with autism have auditory processing abnormalities. There is no cure for autism, but the symptoms can be managed through therapy. Also, it has been shown that early, intensive behavioral programs can significantly improve learning and communication skills and reduce disturbed behaviors. It has been proven that children that are better functioning at the start of treatment are more likely to gain more from the treatment.

Biomedical treatments are limited to using medications to manage the disruptive behavior, self-injuring, and stereotyped behavior. Even so, some autistic children go on to get college degrees and function independently.

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