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Sample explanatory essay

Sample explanatory essay

Sample explanatory essay, as an author you will decide upon a set topic; then you will approach the issue from a specific angle. In other words, sample explanatory essay, you are explaining what you will be showing to your audience. Had to ask for a revision and I got a revision back in a timely manner as well with no issues. Awesome nursing subject help in such a short amount of time. This will validate your claim and enforce your position.

Expository Essay Examples for Different Grades

Higher educational institutions require students to write papers that explain some concepts. In this case, an explanatory essay refers to academic tasks, which allow learners to provide clear explanations for some unique concepts. Basically, this guide provides detailed information on how to write an explanatory essay. For example, students must choose topics that are supposed to provide clear explanations. Besides, such essays should include a clear introduction, a hook, sample explanatory essay, and a clear thesis. In turn, other essential elements include objective and irrefutable evidence, topic sentences, supporting examples, and relevant explanations.

An explanatory essay refers to a type of composition that allows authors to present some perspective on a specific topic. Therefore, one must rely on accurate research and logic to make an essay feasible. In higher learning institutions, sample explanatory essay, these essays are common in some subjects, like history and other humanities. Also, scholars rely on these essays to explain facts and real situations in these areas of study. Besides, they must give unbiased explanations to support facts and evidence. In turn, the approach used must allow one to discuss a specific subject effectively. Hence, students must provide sufficient evidence to reach a specific outcome.

Writers prepare explanatory compositions when providing an unbiased point of view. For example, a scholar must evaluate existing evidence and create a logical and unique argument. In this case, the primary aim of presenting such facts is to ensure that readers appreciate ideas without experiencing any form of confusion. Moreover, lucid explanations must show why things happen in a specific way. In turn, outstanding papers allow readers to have a rational understanding of presented ideas, even when they disagree. Learners may come across different types of explanatory essay topics in the course of their studies. Basically, such topics differ from other types of compositions, sample explanatory essay, which makes it easy for leaners to identify them.

Hence, possible topics for writing an explanatory essay that one may consider are:. Students may identify a unique pattern from explanatory essay topics. Sample explanatory essay 10 examples provides above, a writer can locate common phrases sample explanatory essay. Moreover, such terms act as guidance to show that an essayist must provide detailed explanations of various concepts, sample explanatory essay. Writing an explanatory essay requires one to make necessary preparations, sample explanatory essay. Basically, failing to prepare adequately can undermine the overall quality of the work presented. In most cases, writers who fail to take the required preparation score low grades. Hence, important steps that one must follow when writing explanatory essays are:.

For instance, writers must understand essay topics or prompts. Basically, the most effective way of defining a subject is identifying all the complex terms and finding their accurate meaning. Finally, scholars must figure out all the concepts required in the response before embarking on the writing process. Therefore, one must consider all the terms that can lead to an adequate description of a topic. Outstanding writers must prepare ideas that remain relevant to assigned topics in question. For instance, one should gather all the ideas that support an explanatory issue directly. In this case, a good writer organizes the main ideas together, intending to enhance the overall flow of a topic.

Also, essayists must organize thoughts before responding to explanatory prompts. In turn, some essential tools, sample explanatory essay, like flow charts and flashcards, help authors to recognize vital concepts that must appear in their compositions, sample explanatory essay. Therefore, one should consider preparing ideas to avoid unnecessary omissions. Explanatory essays intend to convince readers that a position taken remains valid. Basically, one should identify the intended audience together with their specific needs. In this case, good writers should prepare their work to appeal to a particular audience. For instance, one should consider the knowledge and language competency of intended readers, sample explanatory essay.

Then, writers should use exciting and straightforward language for young readers that may not limit their reading abilities. In practice, one should identify a unique means of persuading readers by using figurative language to support the validity of the evidence presented. In turn, the approach enhances the overall ability to pass the intended message to a specific audience. The process of considering the audience requires one to identify the general structure of the writing and its role in supporting the main message. Sample explanatory essay example, learning institutions require students to utilize a unique design when sample explanatory essay the main message. Scholars should set up the stage for writing an explanatory essay.

As a rule, one should not begin writing a composition without organizing the necessary ideas, sample explanatory essay. Instead, students must take basic steps needed to understand a topic and gather the essential information to support the main arguments. In this case, writers include all the necessary details in an explanatory essay. Hence, these steps that one must follow when setting up the stage are:. Academic essays contain evidence obtained from credible sources. Basically, an outstanding writer must search for reliable sources to authenticate examples and facts to present them in their explanatory essays.

Then, students should gather evidence from a wide range of sources. In this case, all learning institutes require learners to use peer-reviewed articles, volumes, reports, and credible websites as evidence sources. Besides, such rules ensure that writers obtain current indisputable evidence to prepare explanatory essays. Note-taking is an important activity in any writing process. For instance, essayists should make notes from researched sources. Then, one should take relevant notes as part of the actual preparation. In turn, quality notes play a significant role in allowing writers to remember and organize the relevant evidence to support all the arguments. Hence, a prudent author must engage in a practical note-taking process when preparing an explanatory essay. The length of an essay outline varies depending on the topic and evidence presented.

However, students must focus on developing an exhaustive outline. As a rule, an exceptional outline must include a brief introduction, a working thesis statementand main points that support central arguments. In turn, writers should provide a suitable general description for explanatory essays, which contains relevant evidence that supports established arguments and claims. By definition, an annotated bibliography means a list of bibliographic entries for sources identified for writing a paper. In this case, one should follow the necessary formatting guidelines in preparing bibliographic entries. However, each entry must contain a suitable annotation that highlights essential details. As a rule, a credible annotation should have three paragraphs, namely a summary, an evaluation of a text, sample explanatory essay, and a reflection on its applicability to a study.

Besides, the process helps one to understand specific parts of sources that must be used to support ideas in an explanatory essay. The writing process plays a crucial role in preparing explanatory essays because it allows writers to bring all the ideas together. Basically, sample explanatory essay, students have a primary duty of ensuring sample explanatory essay they present essential ideas in supporting their arguments. In turn, sample explanatory essay, the most important aspect is to ensure that one must follow the necessary steps in creating the most outstanding explanatory compositions. One should utilize notes prepared with a working thesis previously to sample explanatory essay a draft of an explanatory essay. In this case, writers should organize explanatory drafts with the introduction, body, and conclusion as three significant parts.

In this case, the process of uniting the information together helps to create a unique picture of an explanatory essay. Besides, it helps authors to identify necessary factors that relate to their compositions, sample explanatory essay. Hence, drafting an explanatory essay marks the first step in organizing information in a way that reveals a good flow. Essayists should sample explanatory essay the information together into sample explanatory essay complete sample explanatory essay that communicates the intended message. For instance, a writer should include all the evidence gathered in the previous section of a composition.

Besides, one must ensure that all the paragraphs or subsection follows a logical order. In this case, the primary goal of putting everything together is to ensure that one can read and grasp the intended message. A prudent writer should not stick to sources identified initially. Basically, one must become flexible when identifying credible sources that support an explanatory essay effectively. Moreover, if some sources fail to sample explanatory essay with presented ideas, students must find new ones. In this case, writers sample explanatory essay look for those scholarly articles that contain weightier evidence to support thesis statements and other opinions presented in explanatory essays.

Also, scholars may add more sources to avoid distracting the flow sample explanatory essay ideas throughout an essay. In turn, authors should delete previous sources if they fail to present weightier evidence to the central argument. Prudent essayist remains flexible enough to alter sample explanatory essay initial procedure. As a rule, this process must take place after adjusting some sources sample explanatory essay in the first draft. Basically, sample explanatory essay, one should consider making the most essential and mandatory changes in addressing some issues that relate to a specific subject.

In this case, essayists must alter some of the claims presented to ensure that they add some significance to a topic. Moreover, a reviewed essay outline plays an essential role in creating a suitable structure for a final explanatory essay. Each paper should have a remarkable thesis statement that covers the main ideas or central messages. Basically, arguments made in an explanatory essay should reflect a thesis statement. Also, this statement should appear in the introduction paragraph. Then, students should rely on the draft and revised outline to create a working thesis statement. In turn, this approach can ensure that one understands the intended message in one sentence.

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Basically, this opening statement must dwell on a single idea and reveal a unique connection to the thesis statement presented in the introduction. In this case, writers must ensure that all the paragraphs begin with precise topic phrases. Otherwise, a paper may appear unclear and fail to provide the intended explanation about the topic. As a rule, one must avoid discussing many points in a passage to enhance the overall quality. As a result, focused explanatory essays gain more marks. Outstanding essays contain closing. Basically, the last sentence in each body paragraph must summarize the main idea covered in this part.

In turn, one must ensure that this line gives a summative closure to the passage without introducing new evidence or arguments to a paper. Moreover, the last sentence in a section must connect to the ideas presented in the topic sentence of the following passage. Each passage must link to the next section through a linking phrase. For example, one must use transitioning words throughout an explanatory essay to ensure that it has an adequate flow of the main ideas. Unfortunately, some learners make a mistake of using many transitioning phrases in writing. Hence, one must rely on significant transitioning elements to communicate the intended message to the audience.

Many learning institutions require students to follow specific formatting styles and guidelines. Basically, a successful writer must follow such guidelines when preparing their explanatory essays to ensure that they meet the necessary academic standards. In turn, a prudent writer must rely on such tools to ensure that the work submitted meets the necessary quality. Therefore, each student must consider the essential formatting guidelines for explanatory essays. Peer reviewing is an essential step in the writing process that college students tend to ignore. For instance, writers must share their work with peers for the reading and reviewing process. In this case, one should identify other scholars with adequate knowledge in the subject matter to read an explanatory essay and provide a positive critique.

Basically, such choices play an instrumental role in determining the possible flaws in written documents. An explanatory essay has a unique outline that enhances the ability to communicate the intended message. In this case, a writer should rely on a scheme to avoid unnecessary omissions. Hence, the main elements that one must include in an explanatory essay are:. A clear thesis statement that covers three arguments presented in the body of an explanatory essay in one sentence. An outline for expository essays is unique since all the sections focus on providing an adequate explanation of significant concepts. Moreover, one must ensure that topic sentences provide a detailed explanation of the central claim.

Then, one may know that a paper pertains to an explanatory essay if all the statements included in an outline provide direct support to a written piece. However, other compositions, like argumentative papers, contain paragraphs that provide counterarguments and rebuttals. The introduction of an explanatory essay must begin with a hook. In this case, essayists should give a brief overview of the topic to show the scope that the work must take. Besides, the closing sentence should include a thesis statement.

In turn, outstanding papers should have debatable thesis statements. The body of an explanatory essay should contain the main arguments that support the thesis statement. Basically, students must ensure that all the topic sentences relate to the thesis statement. In this case, essayists must support the central claim with adequate evidence. Also, explanatory essays must contain accurate in-text citations in all the sentences that contain borrowed evidence. An explanatory essay should contain a summative conclusion. Basically, the last paragraph should restate the thesis statement and summarize all the topic sentences presented in the text.

As a rule, the closing section should not contain new evidence. Instead, one should bring the work to a satisfactory closure that joins all the main ideas together. Topic: Explain the Impact of the Rising Child Gangs. Every human being strives to develop a sense of belonging. However, most teenagers fail in the process of creating relevant social circles. In this case, the majority of juveniles join various gangs, intending to achieve a sense of belonging. Moreover, the rise of teenage gangs is a major social problem in the twenty-first century. Teenage gangs promote juvenile crime. For example, most teenagers who join gangs tend to engage in delinquent activities.

In this case, many youths develop a sense of belonging when they engage in crime. Basically, they focus on establishing superiority among their social circles. Moreover, stealing and fighting are some of the activities that enable youths to develop a sense of belonging. In turn, gangs motivate juveniles to engage in such unbecoming activities. Besides, established bands give teenagers the courage to violate the law. Hence, the rising teenage gangs promote juvenile delinquency and encourage drug and substance abuse. Teenage gangs are responsible for rising rates of drug abuse among teenagers. For example, many teenagers learn how to use drugs through peer influence.

In this case, they interact with friends who have access to cheap illegal drugs. Also, the process exposes most of the young teenagers to hard drugs. Then, the majority of the drug addicts began such behaviors during their teenage life. Besides, the membership to groups that engage in drug abuse contributes towards the addiction process. In other instances, gangs provide the necessary protection to the youths interested in drug abuse. Therefore, teenage gang membership has a close association with drug abuse and lower education turnouts among the juveniles. Gang membership plays a significant role in undermining adequate education access.

For example, being a member of a teenage gang distracts most students from focusing on their education. In this case, many juveniles concentrate on fulfilling the needs of their respective bands. Moreover, the process interrupts their ability to meet educational expectations. Then, the majority of teenagers who engage in delinquent activities and drug abuse records the lowest performance in their studies. In turn, the peer pressure forces them to remain in their respective gangs that promote such unfitting behaviors. Eventually, they lose the ability to focus on their academic goals and may drop out of their studies.

In conclusion, teenage gangs have detrimental impacts on juvenile lives. Firstly, the preceding evidence proves that teenage gangs motivate crime. The structure of an expository essay will vary according to the scope of the assignment and the nature of your topic. Refer to the following section and find interesting expository essay examples for students of all academic levels. These examples will help you understand the basic writing process for a great expository essay. No matter if you are in grade 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th, the following examples will help you understand the expository writing style. Refer to these examples and learn how to discuss a topic with factual information rather than opinion.

Expository essays explain and evaluate an idea and provide an argument in a clear and concise manner. Similar to other types of essays, expository essays also consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Usually, the body section contains three paragraphs but it can be increased according to the essay requirements and topic. For a perfect expository essay, understand its purpose and follow the required steps for this type of academic writing. Below you can find some interesting essay examples for different academic levels. These examples will help you understand how to focus on a particular topic and explain its points with examples.

There are many ways to write an expository essay but the most common approach is the 5-paragraph structure. Introduction - Here present a brief description of your essay. It should end with a strong thesis statement. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence followed by relevant details and examples. Make sure all the ideas discussed in the body paragraph should correlate to one another. Information provided through topic sentences and paragraphs of an essay is the main essence of the topic under discussion. Below are some interesting examples following a 5 paragraph essay approach for your better understanding. As we know, it is not easy to write an effective expository essay without the right disposition and enthusiasm.

This type of essay examines and evaluates a topic in great detail. The main purpose of expository writing is to provide all the details about an idea in a definite and concise manner. An expository essay does not usually have in-depth research as compared to other academic essays. This statement lays down a concise version of your overall point of view about the topic. In other words, you are explaining what you will be showing to your audience. Remember, you are not arguing or criticizing, just merely stating facts.

Note that the good thesis statement shows that the themes of discussion are not only the plot of the movie. There are themes of good and evil, courage and selflessness, and how one man can change the world. The bad thesis statement, merely explains what happens in the movie. After both steps have been taken care of, it is time to define an explanation essay structure by creating an outline. Send us your " write my essay help " request. The outline of an explanatory essay will vary based on the length of the topic and the information you are trying to present. However, based on the explanatory essay format, most essays tend to be a page or two in length, so the overall essay will be around 5 paragraphs long. The introduction will present the subject of discussion to the reader and the explanatory thesis.

The body paragraphs will then follow, backing up the thesis statement with facts, logic, statistics, etc. Lastly, the conclusion will summarize the main points of your essay and should present an overall concluding statement. The explanatory essay introduction is made up of three main components: a hook, background information and a thesis statement. It serves as a gateway for the actual content of the essay. First of all, just like with most types of essays, get the reader interested in the topic by presenting a hook statement. This can be an interesting fact, relevant quote, or anything that would captivate the audience's attention. Afterward, offer any necessary background information that may not seem like general knowledge.

This will help paint a clear picture for the reader to follow. Lastly, add the explanatory thesis at the end to fixate the focus of your essay. This should eliminate any confusion about what will be discussed in the body. Most likely, unless the topic is very in-depth, the body should contain three paragraphs, each with their point of approach. However, the general style of each body paragraph is identical. First of all, present a topic sentence that precisely explains what information you will be introducing. At the same time, this sentence should smoothly transition the writing from the previous point to the next. Afterward, present a position or claim that directly supports the thesis.

Then, present the evidence found from the research you have done. This will validate your claim and enforce your position. Lastly, present a concluding statement that summarizes the significance of the claim in regards to the thesis statement. Follow this systematic approach three times for each one of your claims to complete your body. When writing the conclusion , three main components are crucial to properly finishing an explanatory essay. First of all, restate your thesis statement. This will bring the audience's attention back to the main focal point as well as add strength to your presented point of view. Next, make sure to summarize your three supporting points presented in the body paragraphs accordingly. This will show you that you have logically and correctly defended your explanatory thesis, increasing the strength of your overall writing.

Last but not least, offer an overall concluding statement. This should explain the value of the specific point of view chosen from a global perspective. Leave your readers with a call to action, instinctively captivating them to study the subject further on. Once you have done that, you are almost finished with your explanatory essay. Before confidently submitting in your final work, make sure to take a couple of proactive steps to tie the knot around your essay. Since the primary goal of an explanatory essay is to elucidate a topic or event, you want to ensure that your explanatory writing clearly explains and simplifies the comprehension level for the reader.

The last thing you want is for your audience to be confused after reading the essay, questioning the overall point you were trying to make.

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