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Controversial research essay topics

Controversial research essay topics

Which would you enjoy researching? Is it caused mainly by human activity? Follow controversial research essay topics blueprint step-by-step to get the utmost of your essay without efforts. has a responsibility as Israel's ally to hold it accountable for its actions. Opponents of the electoral college argue the system is flawed because it too often contradicts the popular vote. Additionally, controversial research essay topics, the animal rights movement believes it's immoral to eat animals or use them for labor and research. Biology is often called the science of life.

�� Controversial Health Topics for an Essay

Need to write a position paper or prepare for a debate? Read about 25 of today's most divisive topics, from vaccines to gun control. org is an advertising-supported site. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. College and controversial topics go hand in hand, making it a great time to sharpen your debate skills and determine your stance on today's most controversial issues. By the time you graduate, you'll likely have been involved in spirited classroom discussions, lively political disagreements, or even full-fledged protests. At some point, you may also have to write about something controversial, such as capital punishment, abortion, or gun control.

Exploring topics like these can challenge your worldview, personal ethics, and emotional instincts and make you a more clear-headed thinker. The first step to writing any position paper is to take a stance between two main arguments, which requires you to understand both perspectives — and to back up your arguments with cold, hard facts. To help, we've compiled a list of controversial research essay topics top 25 most controversial topics. It is by no means an exhaustive exploration controversial research essay topics each position; instead, consider this a starting point to familiarize you with the broader issues before you dive deep into research.

Gun violence has been a heated debate topic in the U. for years. Mass shootings and other acts of gun violence controversial research essay topics nearly 40, people every year in the U. The gun control debate largely hinges on interpretations of the Second Amendment. It reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Advocates for gun rights argue the "right of the people to keep and bear arms" means that the government cannot control the possession of firearms. Thus, they oppose any laws that impact their ability to buy, carry, or accessorize guns.

By contrast, gun control advocates focus on the part of the Second Amendment that says gun rights are meant to be "well regulated" by local, controversial research essay topics, state, and federal legislative bodies, controversial research essay topics. They push for stricter gun control laws, including more extensive background checks, regulations on assault weapons, and banning high-capacity magazines. Today, the debate has escalated due to the high rate of gun violence and the rising frequency of mass shootings, controversial research essay topics. Inthere were mass shootings in the U. The increasing prevalence of mass shootings has sparked fierce debates about the sale of assault rifles, background controversial research essay topics for gun buyers, and the connection between gun violence and mental illness.

Find out what you can do with controversial research essay topics criminal justice degree to help resolve this debate. The abortion debate has long been one of the most controversial controversial research essay topics in the United States. It centers on a fundamental disagreement over the question of bodily autonomy, as expressed through a person's right to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion became legal in every state following the landmark Supreme Court case of Roe v. The debate typically splits into two common viewpoints — pro-choice and pro-life — which both wrangle with religious, moral, and philosophical beliefs. The pro-life perspective argues that life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore abortion is equivalent to murder.

It is seen as an act of violence that can have physical, emotional, and psychological repercussions, even if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. Pro-life supporters believe that government intervention to prevent abortions is controversial research essay topics. On the other side, pro-choice argues that people have the right to choose to have an abortion because they have bodily autonomy — complete control over their own bodies. They believe that it is immoral for the government to make medical decisions on behalf of pregnant people. Thus, the pro-choice perspective opposes federal, state, or local laws that restrict access, impede funding, or create legal obstacles for getting an abortion, controversial research essay topics.

Check out what you can do with a law degree to actively participate in this debate. Religious freedom is considered a fundamental human right for every American, controversial research essay topics. The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Yet, religious liberty continues to be controversial in its execution. Controversial research essay topics about religion and politics are often polarizing because they dig deep into how people view the world.

As the adage says, "don't mix religion and politics. The First Amendment compels the government not to show controversial research essay topics to a specific religion or take away an individual's ability to exercise faith. It also ensures that neither the state nor the church has the power to rule over each other. Under the First Amendment, Americans have the right to practice any faith or to have no faith. Legally, they can do so without fear of government coercion, even in public. In practice, the fiery disagreements over how freedom of religion can and should be expressed have led to clashes over God's mention in the Pledge of Allegiance, displaying the Ten Commandments in public spaces, and businesses denying service based on religious belief.

The issue is particularly prevalent around Christianity, which appears in many aspects of public life in the United States, despite not being the official religion. Many people with pro-religious views argue that religious freedom means they have a right to make choices about who they serve or employ and what they display or do based on their religious values. Others argue that religious freedom means not having to follow the trappings of a specific religion in public spaces or required pledges, and also not being denied access to goods, services, or jobs based on their religious beliefs. Check out what you can do with a law degree if you're interested in having a voice in the debate.

Animal rights advocates believe that animals should be able to live free controversial research essay topics use in medical research, hunting, agriculture, and other industries that benefit humans. The central conflict here is about conflicting priorities: protecting animals or serving humanity's needs. Gallup found fewer people support medical testing on animals, buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur, and cloning animals in than they did in previous years. Animal-rights controversial research essay topics argue that animals deserve similar or equal rights as human beings, free from captivity, abuse, or neglect. Additionally, the animal rights movement believes it's immoral to eat animals or use them for labor and research. This also extends to protecting animal habitats from displacement or destruction for purposes like dredging rivers, trawling, agriculture, and urbanization.

Opponents of animal rights do not typically advocate for cruel or unnecessary animal abuse, but they believe animals are not equal to humans and that it is morally justified to use animals to benefit human society. Most prominently, they believe that animal research can lead to medical discoveries and improved quality of life for humans, such as testing antibodies on animals to fight against COVID They also argue that animals do not think or feel emotions such as pain, fear, or loneliness. Most people fall somewhere between these two viewpoints. For example, many people support animal rights, but still eat meat.

Others are repulsed by animal abuse, but still support using animals to advance medical research. Find out what you can do with a biology degree to help resolve this debate. Vaccines have revolutionized global health with life-saving immunity from certain diseases. Polio, smallpox, tetanus, and other infectious diseases are no longer deadly because of innovative vaccines. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDCvaccines prevent thousands of Americans from getting infected by diseases each year. Immunization is the best protection against these diseases, especially for children with weak immune systems.

They may also help bring the COVID pandemic to a speedier end. But there has been some opposition to vaccines in recent years. The push back against vaccines comes for different reasons, including fear, misconceptions, and mistrust of science. Anti-vaccine controversial research essay topics are often referred to as anti-vaxxers. Some of the most persistent arguments against vaccines include a widespread fear that vaccines cause autism, that natural immunity is better than being inoculated, and that vaccines contain harmful chemicals. Over the years, controversial research essay topics, public health officials, physicians, and medical experts have debunked these claims. Despite that, anti-vaxxers still argue that vaccines can be dangerous and contain hazardous or poorly-researched substances, creating risks that outweigh the benefits.

Meanwhile, vaccine supporters believe all parents have a responsibility to comply with medical advice on vaccine administration, protecting their children and strengthening herd immunity for society as a whole. If you want to be an active part of resolving this debate, find out what you can do with a nursing degree. The right to privacy is a controversial issue that centers on conflicting priorities between individual privacy and public safety. Over the years, the U. government has expanded its capacity to conduct mass surveillance on its citizens in the name of protecting national security interests. Privacy rights advocates argue that government surveillance violates the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizures.

They also express concern about private enterprises, like Google and Facebook, that can gather and store vast amounts of personal data. Those who support mass surveillance believe that the threat of terrorism and foreign interference outweighs the right to privacy, arguing that the government should be able to protect Americans through any means necessary. Sharing personal information through social media and e-commerce also creates privacy issues. Many people willingly disclose things like financial data, controversial research essay topics, addresses, and credit records to private entities, which can then be hacked by internet thieves.

Find out what you can do with a computer science degree to help resolve this debate. There are two main viewpoints in the debate over free-market capitalism: those who favor economic regulation and those who prefer a free market. According to the Cambridge Journal of Economics, market governance must hold a "balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. Supporters of regulation believe that free markets are inherently unstable, unequal, controversial research essay topics, and prone to boom and bust cycles.

In order to achieve a functional, controversial research essay topics, fair economic system, they believe government control is necessary, to soften the effects of good and bad economic periods and prevent systemic imbalances. Economists who favor a free-market approach argue that government interference is what causes ups and downs in the first place. They claim that regulation misallocates resources and creates — rather than softens — market instability. According to them, a healthy market with maximum long-term growth and fewer highs and lows comes from a free market. Other issues in the debate include privatizing public resources or utilities, the legislative push and pull over regulatory oversight, and the outsized role that money plays in our political system. Find out what you can do with an economics degree to help resolve this debate.

The debate over global climate change centers on a series of questions: Is global warming real? Is it caused mainly by human activity? How harmful is it likely to be? What can we do about it? Rising global temperatures, warming oceans, and shrinking ice sheets all indicate that Earth is warming in response to increased greenhouse gas levels, which are mostly due to human-made emissions.

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Should the state regulate social media use to prevent its negative impact on mental health and social media addiction? Find more ideas and sources for a social media essay. Should there be state regulation of fast food chains? How should the issue of obesity be treated: as a personal problem or as a public concern? Should obese people be entitled to better healthcare coverage or additional days off? Consider pollution in China, child labor, etc. Should the state do more or less to make people lead a healthy lifestyle? Consider if such interference into personal lives is justified or no.

Try to think about all the state does and can do, e. ban smoking and drinking under a certain age or in certain areas, ban advertisements and censor films promoting unhealthy lifestyle or unhealthy body image standards, establish more recreation zones easily accessible and attractive to people, educate people on the effects of the unhealthy lifestyle, … or instead invest the money in the economy as the higher economic level is associated with better health. Should scientists work to make computers displace doctors? Should more funding be allocated to practical research projects, which provide direct medical help to individuals, or the National Institute of Health dealing mostly with projects without immediate practical application?

Should scientists research options for people to become immortal? Ray Kurzweil manufactures and takes himself hundreds of pills to delay aging and claims people will become virtually immortal soon. If the research was able to provide a solution to one healthcare issue, what should it be? Assess the decision of some countries to use undergraduate nursing students for Covid response. Is quarantine an effective measure? How to balance the need to halt the spread of the virus and the need for employment and socialization? Has Covid risen the need for global coordination of healthcare? How will respective policies change the national healthcare systems? Do we need a dedicated global agency that would deal with Covid and future pandemics?

Should doctors that leave their jobs not to deal with Covid be not allowed to work in medicine again? The impact of Coronavirus on a specific vulnerable population: the poor, homeless, people with mental illnesses, etc. Issues surrounding vaccine testing. Has Coronavirus given a boost to telemedicine? Is it a viable alternative to traditional consultations? For more ideas on how to write an essay about Covid, check this post. Did you like the list of health topics to write about? Comment, share and Pin not to lose the resource. Controversial Topics in Healthcare for an Essay 1. Is the cost of healthcare in the United States justified? Should the state provide free health care to homeless people?

Should people be encouraged to turn to homeopathy first? Should unconventional forms of medicine be part of national healthcare? Should uninsured people be provided with any medical care? Should there be criminal responsibility for medical errors? Should doctors be allowed to promote particular medical products? Should US hospitals provide a free translator to non-English speaking patients? Controversial Topics in Medicine: Laws and Policies Should euthanasia be illegal? Browse this and other challenging topics surrounding abortion with recommended sources on each topic Should surrogate pregnancy be used on-demand or only for health reasons? They also point to evidence that the death penalty can lead to killing innocent people by mistake.

The capital punishment debate also touches on racial and socioeconomic inequalities in the justice system, ideas around rehabilitation and punishment, and the economics of incarceration. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 22 people were executed in the United States in According to the Criminal Justice Project of the NAACP, there are 2, people on death row as of Jan. Find out what you can do with a degree in criminal justice or law to resolve the debate. In , the Marriage Equality Act made same-sex marriage legal everywhere in the United States and was later upheld by the Supreme Court.

Those who support marriage equality believe gender and sexual orientation should not affect access to rights under the law, including marriage rights. They believe all couples deserve access to the same recognition, legal rights, and tax benefits. Opponents of marriage equality argue that marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman, and allowing any other type of union undermines the institution of marriage and should thus be sanctioned by law. Most opponents of marriage equality have a faith-based viewpoint, arguing that non-heterosexual romantic relationships contradict teachings in the Bible, making them sinful in the eyes of God.

They believe the government is obligated to prevent these marriages, triggering further debate about the separation of church and state. Check out what you can do with a degree in criminal justice or law to actively participate in this debate. Immigration reform concerns rules around how immigrants can legally enter and stay in the United States. The government's stance on immigration restrictions often changes with presidential administrations, due to ideological differences between the two major political parties.

The rate of immigration to the U. has been exacerbated by asylum-seekers, escaping gang activity, drug violence, civil unrest, and human trafficking in Latin America. Some believe that the U. should permit entry to all people who come in search of opportunity, freedom, and a better life. They also support policies that create more accessible pathways to citizenship, even for those who arrived illegally, and protest against conditions in immigration detention centers, believing them to be human rights violations. Others worry that illegal entry into the country — or even excessive legal entry — will strain the economy and pose a threat to national security.

They prefer restrictive immigration policies and tighter border control measures to reduce immigration and prevent illegal immigration. The Trump administration attempted to enact immigration reform by dismantling the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals DACA program, which creates a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the U. as children. But in July , the U. Supreme Court upheld deportation protections for DACA recipients. Trump also temporarily blocked international students from returning to the U. to study during the coronavirus pandemic. President Biden supports DACA. Learn more about going to college as an undocumented or immigrant student with our resources page.

Donald Trump's presidency was a constant source of controversy. His abrasive leadership style, tone, and methods in office were dramatically different from his predecessors, drawing an unprecedented level of ire from citizens who opposed him. He was impeached in after he pressured Ukraine to smear then-Democratic-presidential-hopeful Joe Biden, and impeached again in January after his supporters breached the U. Capitol building. As of July , President Trump had made more than 20, false or misleading claims. This included falsehoods about the coronavirus pandemic, fringe conspiracy theories, his impeachment trial, and protests over the death of George Floyd. He also clashed with world leaders, openly supported white supremacists, and ignored evidence of Russian interference in the and elections.

Those who supported President Trump often denied his past statements or claimed that the media misrepresented him — despite evidence to the contrary. The Trump Administration's policies included more substantial immigration restrictions, protections for the Second Amendment, and nationalist identity politics. Trump's supporters viewed him as a political outsider whose unconventional style and behavior were a needed disruption of traditional politics. Trump's opponents fiercely criticized him for mishandling the coronavirus pandemic, race relations , and constitutional law. His opponents also view his presidency as a dangerous deviation from normative American values about executive authority, democratic rule, and general political civility. Trump's opponents advocate for progressive policies that clash with his conservative viewpoints, including humane immigration reform, enhanced environmental protections, and stricter gun control laws.

Find out what you can do with a political science degree to help resolve this debate. The opioid crisis in the United States refers to an epidemic caused by opioids, a class of drugs that include prescription pain relievers, heroin, and the synthetic opioid fentanyl. The prevalence of these drugs has resulted in misuse, addiction, and , deaths from overdose over the past two decades. According to the American Society of Interventional Pain ASIP , the crisis first began in the early s following a rise in prescribing opioids as legal painkillers for chronic pain. Opioids are highly addictive, and over the next 30 years, addiction to them spiraled out of control. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse NIDA , Americans died per day in from overdosing on opioids.

NIDA considers it "a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. There is much debate about how to handle the epidemic. According to ASIP, many arguments in favor of opioids are based on "traditions, expert opinion, practical experience, and uncontrolled anecdotal observations. Public health advocates have pushed for tighter regulations on prescription pain relievers; improved access to prevention, treatment, and recovery support services; and further research into the effects of addiction.

There have been high-profile trials over who should pay for damage caused by narcotic painkillers in recent years. They often pit manufacturers of pain relievers against counties, cities, and individuals affected by the crisis. You can help support those with opioid addiction with a degree in addiction recovery. Transgender rights aim to protect individuals who identify as a gender that is different from the one assigned to them at birth. They argue that human rights should apply equally to all people, including those who are transgender, cisgender, non-binary, or intersex. According to the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU , transgender people face discrimination in education, housing, military service, credit access, and healthcare based on their gender identity or gender expression.

There are 1. The 6-to-3 decision was a landmark victory for transgender rights. Transgender advocates work to strengthen and expand legal protections in schools, healthcare, the workplace, and common law. Opponents of transgender rights push back against the idea that people should have the right to identify as a gender other than their assigned birth gender. Religion is often a major source of anti-transgender sentiment. Christians disagree that someone can be a gender different from the sex assigned to them at birth. A livable wage is the minimum hourly pay needed for an American working 40 hours per week to be able to afford the United States' basic standard of living.

The federal minimum wage has not increased since , and more than half the states and Washington, D. Most of the debate around minimum wage focuses on whether it has kept pace with inflation and the rising cost of living — essentially, whether the federal minimum wage is a livable wage. Labor advocates, union groups, and social justice groups largely support raising the federal minimum wage to account for rising living costs. They believe that a higher minimum wage will alleviate homelessness and poverty in the United States. Their plan would also increase the base hourly wage for tipped workers and workers under age 20 and end a subminimum wage system that affects workers with severe disabilities. Opponents of a higher minimum wage argue that such a pay hike would burden small-business owners with heavy operating costs, according to the Society for Human Resource Management SHRM.

Others say having a federal rate at all is not helpful because cost of living varies across the country. White supremacy is a belief that white people are a superior race with the right to dominate society at the expense of other racial and ethnic groups. White supremacy has morphed into a political ideology that affects socioeconomic and legal structures within the United States. In recent years, white nationalism gained political traction in the United States — even in the White House. Former President Donald Trump is widely condemned for promoting racism, bigotry, and hate speech through anti-Black, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim sentiments.

White supremacists often clash with people of African ancestry, indigenous peoples, Muslims, and Jewish people. This racial violence has led to numerous acts of right-wing terrorism. These perpetrators typically self-identify with ideologies that include neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and neo-Confederates. White supremacists heavily coalesced around the removal of Confederate monuments amidst the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd in The monuments have long drawn ire for honoring the institution of slavery. Opponents of the white nationalist movement typically advocate for stricter hate crime laws, open immigration reform, and protection against racial or religious discrimination.

They also push for greater access to economic power for marginalized racial groups and for reparations for slave-descended Americans. There is also an ongoing debate over how to classify white nationalist violence and activities, with opponents of the white nationalist movement calling for such actions to be classified as domestic terrorism. Check out Fighting Racism With Your Degree to learn more ways to have a voice in the debate. The Green New Deal refers to a congressional resolution put forth by progressive politicians in to confront global climate change.

The resolution includes steps to curb emissions, impose environmental regulations, and explore alternative fuel and energy sources. It also aims to provide new, high-paying jobs in clean energy industries. But the Green New Deal has been stymied by climate change deniers , conservative politicians, and lobbyists with business interests in fossil-fuel industries. Supporters of the Green New Deal view global climate change as a legitimate threat to all life on Earth. They also see it as an energetic path to restructuring our lifestyle, economy, and job market around more sustainable, fair, and environmentally sound policies and initiatives. Opponents of the Green New Deal typically don't believe in climate change or downplay its long-term effects.

Republicans often shoot down environmental legislation like the Green New Deal because they fear it will affect their fossil-fuel interests. If you want to be an active part of resolving this debate, consider a degree in public policy. Two of America's past four presidents — Donald Trump and George W. Bush — were elected president despite losing the popular vote. This result was mainly due to the Electoral College. This state-by-state delegate system assigns electoral votes available for presidential candidates to each state based on its population. Its original purpose was to ensure that smaller and less populous states would not be disenfranchised by bigger states. In most states, candidates only need to win the popular vote to win all of its assigned electoral votes.

Trump won seven of the 11 largest states in and was thus awarded more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton, despite losing the overall popular vote by the widest margin in U. history: 2. This discrepancy has meant that the electoral system has generated significant controversy over the years. There is much debate about whether big states can actually control election outcomes without it. Supporters of the electoral college defend its original rationale, arguing that it ensures smaller and less populous states have federal representation.

Others say it prevents large states from dominating votes for the presidency. Opponents of the electoral college argue the system is flawed because it too often contradicts the popular vote. Many have called for eliminating the electoral college altogether; to that end, 16 U. states have signed on to the National Popular Vote bill , which aims to override the electoral college by having all of its signatories pledge their delegates to the candidate who wins the popular vote. The Black Lives Matter BLM movement is a political movement to resist police brutality against Black people. BLM began in response to repeated instances of law enforcement facing little to no legal repercussions for use-of-force incidents that resulted in a Black person's death. BLM has grown into one of the most massive movements in U.

Recent polls found that between 15 to 26 million Americans participated in BLM demonstrations in over the deaths of George Floyd, Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor, and other victims of police brutality. Supporters of the movement consider police brutality to be a form of oppression against Black people, arguing that it is one symptom of inequalities in legal, judicial, and socioeconomic status. Advocates also believe that failure to prosecute officers for using excessive force demonstrates that Black lives are less valued than white lives. BLM has proposed defunding police, reforming law enforcement, investing in underserved communities, and holding officers accountable for racial bias and brutality.

Critics believe that BLM is an unfair condemnation of law enforcement. They argue that defunding police or changing their tactics would undermine their ability to uphold the law under dangerous circumstances. Others point to Black-on-Black crime as justification for anti-Black attitudes, while dismissing or ignoring acts of violence by white people that specifically target Black people. The Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matters slogans were adopted to reflect this pro-police stance. College students can advocate for racial equity within specific academic fields. Check out Fighting Racism With Your Degree to learn more. Cancel culture refers to rapid boycotts of public figures, companies, and media after they say or do something considered objectionable or offensive.

Cancel culture usually stems from call-outs on social media, which can spiral into mass shaming or harassment campaigns. Proponents consider the movement a form of social justice for marginalized groups. They point to the sweeping MeToo movement, which used a hashtag to empower women victimized by sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape to share their stories. Other targets include statues of Confederate leaders, which were removed during Black Lives Matter protests, mainly due to online criticism deeming them racist. Cancel culture has also condemned high-profile figures accused of sexual misconduct, racist jokes, or transphobic beliefs. It's also used to hold white people accountable for racist, entitled, or demanding behavior following viral social media posts.

Supporters argue that cancel culture is a long-overdue way of speaking truth to power, enabling marginalized people to resist long-standing forms of abuse and prejudice. The call-outs often challenge historical inequalities and bring greater accountability to those in positions of power. Critics of cancel culture believe it is an unfair and indiscriminate rush to judgment that relies on "mob mentality. Others have said canceling someone can be an overly disruptive form of intolerance. Find out what you can do with a political science degree to better understand this issue. Some argue that the problem reflects a rising number of Americans obtaining more education, while others point to historically high tuition rates as the culprit. There is an ongoing debate about the structure of student loans, rising tuition, and the worth of a college degree.

Some, including Democratic senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, believe all federal student debt should be canceled, while others argue that it is indicative of greater educational outcomes and that canceling it would be unfair. Opponents of mass debt cancellation consider the debt load to be a necessary burden that leads to increased average lifetime incomes. Critics also cite the fact that monthly payments have stayed consistent over the past two decades, allowing debtors to carry more extensive debt. Supporters of canceling student debt believe the crisis was caused by "failed government policies, not recklessness on the part of students," according to the Wall Street Journal.

Proponents also say student loan debt weighs down the economy, leading to delayed home buying, marriage, and wealth formation. The central question is whether the government is obligated to help pay off student debt or if it remains college students' responsibility. If you want to learn more about student loans and student debt, check out The Student Financial Aid Source. The ongoing conflict between Israeli and Palestinian people has been a controversial geopolitical issue for decades. The conflict is rooted in competing claims to the Holy Land, and specifically the West Bank, which includes Jerusalem and has deep ties to Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths. Disputes over borders, access to Jerusalem, security, and Palestinian refugees have led to one of the most intractable conflicts in the world.

The United Nations, European Union, and the United States have intervened in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with the U. a strong supporter of Israel. Jewish, Christian, and conservative advocates in the U. tend to view Israel as a critical democratic partner in an Islamic region. However, the U. has also tried to broker a diplomatic solution that would result in two states for Israel and Palestine. Detractors believe that Israel is guilty of human rights violations against Palestinians. They consider Israel to be in the wrong for occupying the West Bank, expanding Jewish settlements into Palestinian territories, and implementing domestic policies that marginalize Arab and Muslim populations. These critics include global human rights watch groups, Muslim groups, and progressive political leaders.

American critics of Israel often believe that the U. has a responsibility as Israel's ally to hold it accountable for its actions.

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