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Argumentative essay same sex marriage

Argumentative essay same sex marriage

The two types of marriages should thus be given equal chance because neither affects the other negatively. Where is this path leading and where are the boundaries? In the Bible, it is wrong to break the marriage contract. As a society we have to seek to preserve and strengthen the institution of marriage. Social Science Quarterlyargumentative essay same sex marriage, 90 2 ,

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One issue that I have with it is that marriage is for procreation and when there is a couple of the same sex there is no natural way to reproduce. Reproduction is what we were created to do as humans by God. There is no logical way for a couple of the same sex to reproduce children into existence with adding science into play. Argumentative essay same sex marriage course there are some couples hat look to artificial insemination, but that is playing God and doing something that is very unnatural, argumentative essay same sex marriage. There is a growing concern that if same-sex marriage is legalized it will send the message to people that opposite-sex and same-sex marriages are interchanger able.

There has been search conducted on how raising a child in a heterosexual as opposed to a homosexual home and this research was conducted by William Means dean of the College of Social Argumentative essay same sex marriage at Ohio State and Jonathan Reach writer in residence in the Government Studies program at the Brooking Institution. Kids today are still sometimes cruel and brutal to other kids and if there is anything that is out of the ordinary then most of the bullies will pick on the others. There are also the children that have one heterosexual parent and one homosexual parent and become very confused as to what is right and what they choose to believe.

Next, I would like to point out same-sex marriage violates the sacred institution of marriage. All Christians are raised having faith and believing in God that we are to follow his book that he created for us. The bible specifically states that same-sex relations much less marriage is a sin. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Men committed shameful acts with other men, argumentative essay same sex marriage, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. They are full Of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Our country was founded on Christian beliefs and we have put God in everything that we believe in, so why should we bend the rules for argumentative essay same sex marriage if it goes against everything that we are supposed to believe in.

We could have a horrible outburst of Americans fighting for legalizing things that are also unnatural and sinful and we would have a very serious problem on our hands. The bible clearly states that it is a sin to be in a homosexual relationship and it also tells us for wives to be with our husbands. We need to fix things while there is still time and room to fix it. All in all same-sex marriage is devastating to our children, our society, and our country. Many states have taken a stand and have banned same-sex marriage and were quick to do it when a few states allowed it. In conclusion, our country was founded on Christian beliefs and since the beginning of time marriage has always included one woman and one man.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to argumentative essay same sex marriage it correctly. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Same-Sex Marriage Argumentative. Accessed January 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Family Marriage. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. Family Definition with Classification. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements?

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Some may argue in the bible it states it is wrong to be involved in a gay marriage. If two people love each other why can they not get married? There are so many arguments that can be brought up to justify marriage and for couples to receive benefits like any other couple. A gay person is no diffe middle of paper y should someone be denied the right to get married just because they are gay? An Le English Professor Munoz May 4 Injustice Involving Same-sex Partnerships Same-sex marriage has been a controversial problem throughout history.

In the United States, there are 17 states where same-sex marriage is legalized and 33 states where it is not legalized. Even though there is a growth in number of people who supports legal recognition to same-sex marriage, many still oppose it because they consider same-sex marriage is unnatural. In specific, religious groups believe same-sex marriage is the cutting edge of sexual revolution, and such act offends God. As the result, same-sex couples are often denied from their very fundamental right and are discriminated by people around them. However, it is not a misdemeanor to love somebody of the same gender but it can rigorously damage many aspects of life. In addition, same-sex marriages also can affect those who are raised by them as children. It was exposed that children raised by homosexual couples did worse than the offspring of heterosexual couples in nine of thirteen intellectual and social categories.

When children are adopted they do not get a choice in whether their parents are gay or straight. For this reason, their sexual orientation may be distorted due to the parents they are adopted to. Girls who are raised apart from their fathers are at higher risk for early sexual activity. Allowing gay couples to wed could weaken marriage. Traditional marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates and gay marriage is against many religion beliefs. Many argue that homosexuality is immoral and unnatural. Home Page Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage. Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. People should not feel coerced to agree with something they believe is wrong; clearly, same-sex marriage is immoral and unnatural.

Many complications come with same-sex marriages including financial pressures, social pressures, moral pressures, and health risks. Many people believe in a traditional marriage between a man and a woman. God created man and woman to be faithful and produce children. Same-sex marriage is contrary to the word of God and the laws of nature; therefore, it is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. Many biblical scriptures talk about how immoral same-sex marriage is. Young children that grow up in same-sex marriage environment may experience confusion and embarrassment in public surroundings; likewise, young adults and teenagers who have family members or who are personally members of the LGBT community may experience embarrassment and unusual social pressure.

Children in a stable family with both mother and father figure would provide the best environment for them to mature and be responsible. Some same-sex family dynamics are from previous heterosexual marriages; therefore, this could affect the relationship between children and the immediate family members. Being part of the LGBT community could influence immediate and extended family on whether they accept or reject their relationship to the. Get Access. Good Essays. Persuasive Essay About Same Sex Marriage Words 3 Pages. Persuasive Essay About Same Sex Marriage. Read More. Better Essays. The Debate on Homosexuals Adopting Children Words 3 Pages 6 Works Cited. The Debate on Homosexuals Adopting Children. Let us assume that you may neither support nor oppose the idea of gay marriage.

How should you develop the topic in this case? We are going to consider a few handy suggestions and facts which can help you to state your neutral point of view and, at the same time, to provide quite a fulfilling review of such controversial issue. There is no doubt that the marriage between two people of the same sex is a risky question to answer it very definitely. Besides, you may be not very aware of the issue or even not interested in it. Surely, you should not include statements like these in your essay. However, you can stay frank and just write that you personally are neither for nor against legalization and the very phenomenon of the gay marriage.

In order to sound less careless of the subject you should muse over and yet more informed on it generally, you should take into account all the ideas that are put forward by those who do and do not support same-sex marriages. So, you can search for several different opinions, describe and analyze them, and then explain why none of them is powerful enough to make you take one particular side. You should remember that there is actually nothing bad about you if you have not come up with your own clear and definite view on this matter. No joking! You can look through the Wikipedia article dedicated to this topic and see the real statistics. Definitely, you are not the only one who has such neutral attitude to the issue discussed.

However, even if your nearest and dearest, your friends and favorite teachers also stick to neutrality, you still should not refer to them. Instead, you can take the trouble to search for the opinions of respected scientists in the Net and use them as quite a solid base for yours. Also, you can base on reliable and widely known online media sources, as they usually present either the statistical data, the results of real surveys or just quote the words of sociologists, psychologists, doctors and other specialists. Still, you should forget about the two opposite sides of the argument, so even though you are neutral, you cannot but consider how these two sides protect their positions.

Despite the fact that you do not consider yourself either an adherer or an opponent of the idea that two guys or two girls can live a happy family life and raise adopted children, still there should be some reasons for your neutrality. It is really worth expressing them in your essay, as they can provide really valid explanation of why your own position. However, you should not forget about the main tendencies concerning the issue. Let us set a few examples:. It's swift and simple! Just select the option you need and tell us what you want us to do for you. Hire Writer × Sign In. Forgot your password? Cancel Log In. Sign In. Cancel Send. Login My Account. Toggle navigation. Guarantees Plagiarism Free Testimonials F. Pricing Contact Us Free Inquiry.

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