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Essay on steroids in sports

Essay on steroids in sports

Those who oppose the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs say that the athletes who use them are breaking the rules and getting an unfair advantage over others. This risk are extremely harmful the human health yet athletes still essay on steroids in sports steroids and other performance drugs despite the negative side effects. The argument here is about illegal drugs in sports to help players perform better. First of all, essay on steroids in sports, the use of steroids is an unfair training method because steroids themselves are very illegal. Email Send me the sample. It is illegal to use performance enhancing drugs of any kind in sports but fierce competition to become the best forces some athletes to turn to steroid use in order to stay on top.

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Drug free athletes will fall behind physically. Pressure to compete will suck some of these athletes into steroid use. Physical appearance is just as important as being competitive to a lot of athletes, steroids will improve muscle tone and decrease body fat along with Dailey exercise, this alone draws in loads of steroid users. Steroids are used by athletes in baseball, football, and in Olympic events in hopes of finding the edge to make them the best in their sport. By mimicking the anabolic effects of testosterone, steroids help build tissues, help muscle recovery after injuries, and strengthen bones. We always want to get rich the fastest way, we want to get famous the fastest way, we want to get strong and be competitive the fastest way," Arnold Schwarzenegger said, on why athletes take steroids.

Some athletes simply do not feel like they can compete with the best in the world without a little help. At times like these some people tend to take the quick fit to get closer to their idols, in the form of steroids. But what individuals tend not see is the horrible side effects that accompany the use of these anabolic steroids. These powerful drugs have both positive and negative results from their use. Along with increased strength and size, users of steroids suffer from a wide range of sicknesses such as cancer, shrinkage of testicles, bad acne, hair loss, damage organs, intense mood swings, and impotence. Anabolic steroids are a group of muscle building chemicals, which are synthetic versions of the male hormone, testosterone.

The use of steroids is an unfair training method for sports. Unfairness is contrary to laws, marked by deception, and unethical. When the legality, lack of work and advantageousness, and cheating are examined it is easy to see how steroids are extremely unfair in more than one way. First of all, the use of steroids is an unfair training method because steroids themselves are very illegal. com If steroids are illegal it is obvious you should not have them or be using them at all. Steroids in Sports, Right or Wrong? Cheaters can't win and steroids have put us in the position that it's OK to cheat. Steroids in professional sports has became a major issue and has yet to be justified.

Steroids boost the intensity of the game and provide the athletes with more agility and skill to play the game, but should it be fair to allow them? Albiet, drugs have increased the entertainment when watching sports, it has also decreased the sportmanship and integrity. Drug testing is a deterrent that is needed in all sports to decrease the number of unethical players while increasing the integrity of a given sport. We first must ask ourselves why do young aspiring athletes use drugs in the first place? Young aspiring athletes use drugs because they feel it is the only way to make it to the major leagues. Michael Schafer an orthopedic surgeon reports that eighty percent of all athletes feel drugs are the only way to become a professional athlete.

Steroid Abuse Hurts Baseball The abuse of steroids among players in Major League Baseball is corrupting the image of America? s Pastime as well as endangering the health of those who use the illegal substances. The lack of testing and punishment for the use of illegal substances like steroids in the Major Leagues portrays a negative image to aspiring young athletes. They see their role models using steroids and becoming better athletes rather than seeing suspensions for the illegal behavior or the negative health effects. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic substances which increase skeletal muscle growth and increase male hormone production. Steroids are legal only through prescription. He countered the argument of taking drugs will lead to the unfairness of the match effectively.

First thing first, in order to change the entire rule of sports by allowing the presence of drugs in sports, the misconception about drugs should be clarified. Many people are looking for a quick way to build muscles, or to get stronger the fastest way possible. Using these performance aids may very well be a quick fix for many athletes, but taking the drugs is unethical and dangerous. Steroids were developed in Europe around to treat undernourished and healing patients after surgery. Steroids are a synthetic version of the human hormone called testosterone. Home Page Steroids In Sports Essay. Steroids In Sports Essay Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Rex Lakey Political Science Mr. It is no secret as to why many athletes choose to use anabolic steroids.

Steroids increase testosterone levels and help digest dietary proteins to increase muscle mass. He was known for juicing up to perform better in competitions, these drugs ended his life. One of the most infamous stories about drug use is in the sport of baseball with a 3rd baseman named Alex Rodriguez. He was suspended for games or roughly a full year of baseball. And last summer, several riders were disqualified from the Tour de France on charges of using banned substances. Those who oppose the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs say that the athletes who use them are breaking the rules and getting an unfair advantage over others.

Medical professionals say the athletes are endangering not only their own health, but also indirectly encouraging young athletes to start doing the same thing. Athletes are going to take steroids and turn to doping regardless of the rules. Drug use in cycling is seemingly as old as the sport itself, and baseball players have tried to cut corners wherever possible, whether it be with spitballs, corked bats, stimulants or steroids. Legalizing steroids, doping and other performance enhancers would finally set an even bar, and that would just be the first of many benefits, Chris Smith Forbes Staff.

Others who are in favor of legalizing steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, are in favor that people will always get there hands on these drugs. There is no stopping it, so the illegal just might as well be lagal. Some players are admit that they are cautious due to all the side effects with steroids, but new researching is showing that these drugs are becoming safer and more effective. Another main point of the people who support steroids share is that, all of sports across the world would be more interesting, due to more points, bigger tackles, and yes more roid rage.

Roid rage is common term used in sports to describe a player that is hyped up or angry enough to lose their cool. The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone. Testosterone has two main effects on your body: Anabolic effects promote muscle building, Androgenic effects are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a deeper voice. Some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance. Frequently, the anabolic steroids that athletes use are synthetic modifications of testosterone. Many athletes take anabolic steroids at doses that are much higher than those prescribed for medical reasons, this causes many risk. Anabolic steroids come with serious physical side effects as well.

Men may develop, Prominent breasts, Baldness, Shrunken testicles, Infertility, Impotence, Prostate gland enlargement. This risk are extremely harmful the human health yet athletes still use steroids and other performance drugs despite the negative side effects. With all this being said. Drug use is on the rise and has been increasing. New technologies are creating legal drugs but still give an edge to athletes. So if legal drugs are being made, is it still cheating if athletes are performing better? Steroids In Sports. com, Nov 07, Accessed January 7, com , Nov Steroids in Sports. Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help.

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