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Refutation essay example

Refutation essay example

And it went on for awhile, convincingly; and when the narrator Phaedo brought the story back to real time, he recounted that the listeners to Socrates "had been so firmly convinced" and yet after the cross-examination elenchus by Cebes and Simmias,…. now mired in a Mesopotamian morass because of what is described as a 'unilateralist' foreign policy, the UN's multilateralist approach is gaining unearned prestige and unwarranted credibility" Grigg, Or should you vote Republican and stay the course this nation has followed over the past four years? The authors, however, disprove both of these opposition views refutation essay example means of historical and statistical fact. Information technology can be critical to corporate strategy. now mired in a Mesopotamian morass because of what is described as a 'unilateralist' foreign policy, the UN's multilateralist approach is gaining unearned prestige and unwarranted credibility" Grigg, refutation essay example, Vara, Mr, refutation essay example.

How do you write an argumentative refutation?

One of the most popular activities on social media networks or Internet forums is related refutation essay example the inexplicable disposition of the users to criticize and refute the arguments of the opponents. In this sense, many students believe that writing a refutation essay is a piece of cake refutation essay example that they will receive a high mark without any effort, refutation essay example. But, actually, this is far from easy. A refutation essay deals with a conception, theory, or personal point of view manifested in a definite paper. Therefore, refutation essay example, in order to write a good refutation essay, you should know the conception of your opponent very well.

Emotional, personal or illogical arguments are not welcome here: you have to be logical and to present only relevant information. Here we will present some pieces of advice on how to write a refutation paper. They just put stress on the main points which you should refutation essay example carefully. Then search for a paper which argues for one of the possible points of view. It is always better to find a paper which presents strong and clear arguments, as well as a well-developed thesis. The clearer your opponent is, the better will be your thesis.

Discern a few of them usually, the main arguments in order refutation essay example criticize them. We recommend you to direct your attention to three arguments besides the main thesis. Write down your notes on the topic and particularly concerning the paper you have to refute. Are the sources reliable? Is there any distortion of information? Are the arguments relevant to the problem? Is there any logical leap? Is there any coherence in the paper? Are the arguments strong enough to support the main thesis? The factual value of the paper should be also subjected to scrutiny. If it seems that the arguments are OK meaning, they are relevant to the topic and are completely reliablerefutation essay example, then you should find counter-arguments on your own.

Of course, in all cases you have to present your own arguments. Once again, the arguments have to be relevant to the topic, reliable that means, you must even check your sources and interconnected with each other. The thesis should be written concisely in sentenceswithout giving too much information. Use a popular academic style of reference APA style, MLA style, Chicago style. Never quote without referring to sources! Besides, your quotes should be correct and relevant. Some people misuse quotes by quoting only one small part of the passage which supports their thesis; and the other part, which is essential, is dismissed.

However, you should be polite to your opponent and write in a professional way; this also counts. Tweet This. Tweets by SolidEssay. Custom Writing How it Works Prices F, refutation essay example. Share this article: Tweet. Get your original paper! We Accept. Our Guarantees, refutation essay example. Customer Feedback I had several assignments to be turned in during one week and I just wouldn't be able to manage it myself, refutation essay example. Thank you for helping refutation essay example out. You did a great job. read more. Want to make your first order? Services Custom Essay Writing Prices Discount Policy Support Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us. About Us Company Testimonials Sitemap Writers Apply as a Writer.

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Discern a few of them usually, the main arguments in order to criticize them. We recommend you to direct your attention to three arguments besides the main thesis. Write down your notes on the topic and particularly concerning the paper you have to refute. Are the sources reliable? Is there any distortion of information? Are the arguments relevant to the problem? Is there any logical leap? Is there any coherence in the paper? Are the arguments strong enough to support the main thesis? The factual value of the paper should be also subjected to scrutiny. If it seems that the arguments are OK meaning, they are relevant to the topic and are completely reliable , then you should find counter-arguments on your own.

Of course, in all cases you have to present your own arguments. Once again, the arguments have to be relevant to the topic, reliable that means, you must even check your sources and interconnected with each other. The thesis should be written concisely in sentences , without giving too much information. Likewise, if sexual encounters without any prospect of rejection would be unfulfilling, Heaven would provide the precise mix of success and failure to avoid reducing the subjective pleasure involved. Therefore, it is Barnes's lack of imagination rather than the limitations of Heaven that account for his conclusions.

Counterargument The counterargument is that anything would become boring if one lived eternally, including even the perfect mix of success and failure,…. Rather, it was more a question of magical thinking: Ben-Gurion wanted a place for ews and his desire was sufficiently strong that it blinded him to the nature of Palestinian self-definition and identity. Another point that I will examine in greater detail later that would change Ben-Gurion's views towards Arab nationalism was that he could not, in the s predict the extent of the Holocaust.

The death of so many ews so quickly would rewrite the equation -- for Ben-Gurion as well as others -- of the relationship between ews and Arabs. At the same time that Ben-Gurion was pushing to create an increasingly powerful economic base of ewish workers and employers, Lockman writes, he was at the same time denying the legitimacy of Palestinians claims to Arab nationalistic authority and strongly arguing that ews had a far stronger claim to the land. This is perhaps the best-known understanding of…. Judea Pearl. Martin Gilbert. Israel: A History. London: Black Swan, , p. Colin Shindler. A History of Modern Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, , p. Yes, of course. But Hick too is making an important initial assumption here: He is assuming that a test of human goodness is a necessary part of the universe.

But this is only the case if one assumes the presence of a certain type of God -- one that demands that people demonstrate their faith and their ability to make the choices that God wants them to make. If one concurs with this view, then Hick's argument is a sensible and entirely believable one. But if one -- and I do -- rejects this assumption of his, the entire argument falls apart. Evil exists in the world. This is undeniable. Cruelty also exists, as does simple bad luck. Terrible things happen for many reasons. Both Hume and Hick take the presence of evil in the world as a starting point to discuss the presence or absence of a benign God.

It is this murkiness that drives discord among employees and prompts articles such as Ms. Ultimately, the role of IT has moved far beyond the gatekeeper of bits flowing through the corporate IT networks. The profession must carefully define that role, however. In attacking Ms. Vara, Mr. Evans is attacking the messenger. He should pay more heed to the message. Information technology can be critical to corporate strategy. The rapid, easy flow of information is central to the fulfillment of this role. The policies Ms. Vara mocks run counter to this fundamental element of IT. Security is important, but roadblocks should be justified, and in addition they should be communicated. Employees are not born to rebel against IT's policies, they do so because those policies do not fit any known strategic objective.

If they do fit a strategic objective, nobody knows about it. The sooner IT departments stop obfuscating…. That being said, there are certain pitfalls that must be avoided, in order to reduce the controversy created by teaching these concepts but more importantly to avoid any indoctrination, however, subtle into certain beliefs or belief systems. That is, educators should make absolutely no value judgments concerning religion in their teaching of religious history, and in courses specifically geared towards developing a scholarly understanding of religion efforts must be made to include theological beliefs and practices of non-Christian and non-Western religions. This can become somewhat touchy when religious history is part of a general course on Western history; however politically incorrect it may sound, the historical development of Buddhism, Hinduism, and even Judaism simply did not have the same impact on the development of Western culture that Christianity did.

This does not make Christianity in any of its forms the "right" religion, and this must be made clear in public…. References Gutek, G. Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education: A Biographical Introduction. New York: Prentice Hall. Johnson, T. Philosophical documents in education. com Similar to ERIC, the Chronicle of Higher Education website provides links to many articles and studies concerning tenure and post-tenure review on both sides of the issue. The vast majority of these articles were produced by the Chronicle itself, for its print and online subscribers. Given that most of the subscribers to the Chronicle are almost certainly employed in the realm of higher education, the balanced views presented by the collection of articles as a whole is perhaps unsurprising given a definite desire not to alienate readership.

Though there are some very strong opinions on both sides represented in the articles and information found on the Chronicle website, there is nothing especially inflammatory or groundbreaking in any of the articles. Best used a source for recent developments in the tenure issue. CE ccessed 8 September APSA Accessed 8 September cfm Though this website does address the issue of post-tenure review both more specifically and more comprehensively than many other sites, it does nto provide a wide range of opinions or an abundance of resources. The description of various forms of post-tenure review and real world cases of their application is very useful for coming to an understanding of such reviews and how they are and will continue to alter tenured positions and higher education in general, but the obvious professorial bias in the site makes some of the conclusions and assertions drawn rather suspect.

Excellent for providing an overview of ideas and suggesting avenues of future research. Two belief systems, then -- true believe, and justified true belief Hauser, Humans, however, according to Pierce, turn justified true beliefs into true beliefs by converting them into axioms. Once we have proven something there is no need to prove it again, and we use the part that was proven before to further extend our study and the inquisition of knowledge. And so it becomes necessary to accept things as the truth without proving them at every single moment. However, does not mean that the belief is an unjustified belief, for it again is the conflictual nature of justified against unjustified that, for scholars like Pierce, outpours a reality he can view as "true" Ibid.

ene' Descartes' purpose was to make humans analyze the introspective nature of being, and to postulate on the veracity of truth as a nature of thought -- if we think it, it is, and…. David Hume: A Short Introduction. Billington, M. Harold Pinter. Faber and Faber. Cottingham, J. The Cambridge Companion to Descartes. Cambridge Gould, J. And R. Classic Philosophical Questions, 13th ed.. Prentice- Hall. Knowledge and truth were considered absolute and immutable by these two, though for very different reasons, which is the complete antithesis to the empirical theories of Popper, Peirce, Kuhn, and James.

The progression of knowledge in the face of such certainty could only result in pure growth from previously established claims, as no truth could ever be said to exist that was not thoroughly and absolutely proved by careful extrapolation from a priori conclusions. Several interesting anthropological occurrences have convinced me that the empirical method, with its possibility for the adjustment of truth based on the framework or paradigm from which the determination of truth is made, is a much better way of understanding truth and the concept of "absolute certainty. The extreme difficulty of communication that this presented…. Works Cited Burch, Robert. Maria Helena, another woman from later in Patai's book, shows a much more direct rejection of masculine dominance, particularly in the context of a marriage.

She admits to being something of a lapsed Catholic, which could be seen to tie into her statement that "when I was married, my husband always liked to tell me what to do, but I wouldn't let him. For example, he didn't want our boys to go to school hen he dies, most of them were already in secondary school" Patai Maria Helena did not completely reject her Church or her husband, but she refused to let either of these institutional structures make decisions for her, or to influence or even dictate what she felt would be most important and advantageous for her family. These stories also illustrate the increasing importance the women of Brazil felt, perhaps unconsciously at first, in having the ability to….

Work Cited Patai, Daphne. Brazilian Women Speak. New York: Rutgers University Press, Kant's "Copernican Revolution" in philosophy is in his genius use of the positive aspects of Rationalism Descartes and so on and Empiricism Locke, Berkeley and Hume. How can you argue this out with the help of the "Critique of Pure Reason"? The human experience of negotiating the universe as it seems to be presented to us is one governed by a great many assumptions. Our education of this process, and in particular our capacity to become adept or even talented in various faculties thereto, is created by experience. In experience, we gain the evolving abilities to relate to objects which we can perceive in our world.

However, in order to accomplish this, there are any number of beliefs which must be possessed in us that will create a framework wherein such relating can occur. These beliefs -- and the practical, ideological and physiological experiences which are dependent upon them…. Works Cited: Berkeley, G. Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. Arete Press, Claremont, CA. Hume, D. A Treatise on the Human Nature. Escuela de Filosofia Universidad ARCIS. Kidd, S. The Intersubjective Heart. Kline, A. Kierkegaard, Abraham, and the Nature of Faith. Soren Kierkegaard Biography. Further Consideration of the Issues: Actually, Singer's use of the term absolute affluence is not perfectly analogous because the corresponding analog to the conditions of absolute poverty are those of extravagant wealth not working class wealth , but the idea itself is still valid just the same.

The point is simply that once human society in part of the world reached the point where even most of those considered "poor" receive adequate nutrition, shelter, and the most basic emergency medical care etc. It is important that Singer acknowledges the difference between ideals that people should uphold and ideals that people must uphold, because it is likely impossible to establish a logical justification for compelled charity,…. Ultimately, it is inconceivable why any God, much less a loving God, would ever conceive of a universe in which His creatures had no will of their own or were not free to accept His offer of love or to reject it. Salvation, therefore, cannot be predestined and must be a function of human choice or election, precisely because love without choice is not "love" at all.

orks Cited Armstrong, Karen. A History of God. London: Heinemann. Bennet, David. Predestined for Free ill. Available from the Internet, www. accessed 18 March Capoccia, Tony. Bible Questions and Answers Part accessed18 March Deem, Richard. Predestination vs. Free ill - Is it One or the Other? html,accessed18 March Dennett, Daniel,…. Works Cited Armstrong, Karen. Predestined for Free Will. Free Will - Is it One or the Other? Obviously, those situations include survivors of ditches and crashes, but equally important is the degree to which cell phones offer solutions to flight emergencies. Salven acknowledges that cell phone use of this nature is specifically prohibited by FCC restrictions but relates the views of an FCC spokesman who relates that. The FCC isn't aware of any enforcement action having been taken against pilots using cell phones in emergency situations during the past 30 years.

shutdown of electrical power caused by acute ammeter discharge in flight. Equipment, Flight Hours, and ule Priority Ambiguity: The other components of emergency communications relate to the relative capability of equipment to prevent emergencies particularly on the ground , various factors capable of reducing the efficiency of pilot responses to emergencies, and the inherent ambiguity and even apparent contradictions in…. References Berge, Paul. it's just a matter of knowing what to ask for and when. SYSTEM NOTES air traffic control.. Doane, Stephanie M. European Aviation Safety Agency.. Feb 12, : Marks, Paul.

Miller, Bob. Don't expect the controller to give you a heads-up, either. SYSTEM NOTES weather report, air traffic control.. Rozendaal, Doug. The secret is to pretend there's no hurry at all. TRICKS O' the TRADE.. Salven, Valerie. Socrates and Plotinus also have very similar ideas on how Beauty is recognized, which though intimately related to their ideas on the nature of Beauty are somewhat different, also. For both men, Beauty was connected to the eternal. Socrates, being at least somewhat and perhaps completely atheistic, does not immediately or necessarily connect the concept of the eternal with the concept of the divine, however, but rather recognizes the inherent Beauty in the only act of immortality that mortals can engage in -- procreation and generation, which leads to "beauty in birth.

Beauty is also connected to love because love cannot occur with deformity; the closer…. First, there is the combining of simple ideas into one single complex idea, "and thus all complex ideas are made" Locke, Humans also have the ability to look at two ideas simultaneously without combining the; Locke calls these ideas of relations. Finally, abstraction occurs when ideas are separated form all other ideas that generally accompany them in experience. In this manner, Locke believes he has completely described and defined all types and aspects of human thought. Berkeley, like Locke, believes that it is only through sensation or experience that we can attain any knowledge about the world around us. He goes somewhat further, however, in describing the way these sensations work, claiming that most ideas that Locke would have called "simple" are really complex lists of simple ideas combined into one larger idea -- the idea of an apple, for instance, is a combination of many different ideas regarding….

References Berkeley, George. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Chicago: Open Court Publishing, Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Hooker, Richard. Accessed 11 February htm Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Thus, a theologian could attempt to refute Cicero by saying that God or the gods is are capable of anything, even working a miracle. A careful examination of Cicero's logic, however, reveals that he is not actually stating anything in any sort of refutable or even affirmable manner. This clause is not a true part of Cicero's argument at all, but merely a definition of the term "miracle" as he is using it or whatever other Latin equivalent he actually wrote. If "what was capable of happening is not a miracle," then the converse must also be true; that is, what is a miracle is incapable of happening.

There is no reasoning required for this, it is simply the definition of "miracle" as Cicero defines it -- his statement simply defines it in the negative "a miracle is not capable of happening. Cicero's response to our hypothetical theologian, them would…. He briefly outlines the argument: at one point in the story, the older waiter says "She cut him down," referring to the old man's a customer niece. The disputed but of dialogue is a later line that according to convention would be attributed to the older waiter: "I know. You said she cut him down. Smith counters this by claiming that "Hemingway read carefully whatever proofs he received of the publications in " Smith, Smith then reveals that a typescript had recently surfaced which bridged the gap between penciled manuscript and published page, and that this typescript also attributes the line to the older waiter, exonerating the publishers Smith, He becomes embroiled in a reflection on who could possibly have….

He grew up and was educated in an era where scientific progress and rationality were seen as the most effective and promising paradigms for progressive thought and action and there was the cultural belief that science in particular could be the solution to a variety of social ills and problems. This ethos can also be related back to the Enlightenment, which was a period that was seen as a " new stage in the evolution of humankind, and enabled people to claim a new confidence, a new authority through the operation of reason and its principles. Wards extreme faith in human reason has been questioned in modern sociological theory and philosophy. The advent of the sociology of knowledge and the relativistic critique….

References Biography: Lester Frank Ward. Evolutionary Feminism, Popular Romance and Frank Norris's 'Man's Woman. Social science and the making of adult education theory: Influences on the study of participation, According to the authors, this dynamic that many contemporary views consider to be a universal fact of life actually evolved only after the social changes introduced by the Industrial evolution. In fact, any so-called "modern" shift to a more egalitarian sharing of family responsibilities represents more of a return to the more natural state of families than any "radical" or "new" approach. Branden agrees, again tying in excessive adherence to typical male and female roles as a potential source of unnecessary strain, especially where marital partners may be better suited to a different arrangement or sharing of responsibilities.

Likewise, oberts also acknowledges the damage caused to marriage by dissatisfaction, especially among wives, as to the roles prescribed to them by society. Myth 4 - the Unstable African-American Family: In their criticism of the notion that the African-American community reflects a lower level of marital and family stability…. References Branden, N. New York: Bantam. Roberts, S. The New York Times, July 1, Schwartz, M. Table 1. Experiment results. Participant No. Number of employees requesting alternative benefit representative. Discussion The results of the experiment failed to demonstrate any significant or conclusive findings concerning the hypothesis that age would have an adverse effect on the perception of the credibility of the younger benefit representatives for a variety….

References "Engage Employees as Consumers in Benefits Enrollment. Managing Benefits Plans, , Little, a. Using Composite Images to Assess Accuracy in Personality Attribution to Faces. British Journal of Psychology, 98, This helps to establish the case that a gap exists between that which science accepts about biofuels and that which politicians present on the subject. This is complimented by Thornton's concise detraction of ethanol, this article serves as reinforcement for the recurring case that the process of yielding energy from ethanol is too consuming of time and energy, and thus, should be disregarded as a means to developing an alternative fuel source. Findings The certainty that the world community must attend with urgency to a transition to a clean-burning and effective alternative fuel source dominates discourse today on oil production and energy efficiency.

And there is a dominance in this discussion, as well as in current implementation, of the endorsement of biofuels. A clear-burning energy source derived from the fermentation of sugars found in various plant-cellulous, for some time this has been sought as a possible alternative fuel to…. References Butler, M. Lessons from Biofuels. html Dien, B. The U. Corn Ethanol Industry: An Overview of Current Technology and Future Prospects. Agricultural Research Service, , p. Environmental Protection Agency. Renewable Fuel Standard Program. Freeman, S. The Republic. Skepticism Against Skepticism One of the key problems in the history of epistemological inquiry is that of skepticism.

There are some moderate skeptics who have argued that knowledge is theoretically possible. There are some skeptics, however, who are more radical in their views. They feel that the attainment of true knowledge is not possible. Indeed, the deep truth that that the skeptic brings out is the fact that it is quite difficult to determine from whence knowledge comes. I believe that one finds the answer to this in Reid, who came to the conclusion that there was no real way of knowing how one attains knowledge - whether it derives from purely internal processes, the external world, or some combination thereof. Against Skepticism One of the key problems in the history of epistemological inquiry is that of skepticism. The philosophical argument behind skepticism is that one does not have knowledge….

Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Other Refutation Essays Refutation Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. The tupamaros saw social violence as a way of enacting social change -- the… Works Cited White, Jonathan. Aquines Russell Efficient Causes Come Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Socrates and Gorgias by Plato Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Introductory Philosophy Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Euthyphro happily engages in the dialogue and states that "piety, then, is that which is dear to the… Works Cited Plato.

Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : To allow citizens the right to carry… 2nd paragraph- Lowers crime rate. Gw Bush Less Than Six Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Forcing some schools to shut… Works Cited Anders, Christopher E. Epistemology and Meta-Theory the World Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Book Report Paper : Conclusion The research showed that the search for what is true and knowable has received… References Feyerabend, P. Government Aid to Undocumented Workers Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Evolution Be Taught in Schools Introduction Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Some objective scholarship sees this debate as another example… Works Cited Antolin, Michael F.

Euthyphro and Piety an Analysis of Euthyphro Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Winston Smith Is the Hero of the Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : This society is one where the people are completely controlled, with the people having… Bibliography Baldick, C. History of Rhetoric and Rhetorical Words: Length: 15 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : In fact, rhetoric is more often than not deployed as a means of avoiding or otherwise obscuring the truth, and but Aristotle's moralizing attitude precludes him from effectively… Works Cited Archer, Lauren Renel.

Buddhism vs Quine vs Crowley Words: Length: 12 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Phantom Limbs When We Ask Ourselves What Words: Length: 15 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : the act of proving something wrong, usually through a speech. Examples of Refutation in a sentence. transitive verb. The most common places for a counterargument are in the introduction, the paragraph after your introduction, or the paragraph after all of your main points. Placing your counterargument in your introduction is one effective way to include your counterargument.

In other words, they would go after all of the main points that support the thesis, but before the conclusion—in the third-to-last paragraph, with the rebuttal in the second-to-last. What Is a Good Rebuttal? A statement of the counterargument. A statement of your position and why it differs from the counterargument. Evidence to support your position. The definition of an argumentative essay is a research paper that takes a position on a controversial issue and tries to present evidence in favor of that position. The world is full of argumentative essay topics. You can select a high-profile subject like abortion or go for a smaller fish like organic eating.

The argumentative essay is a specific type of writing in which a student chooses a topic often a controversial topic , researches it extensively, and then uses the evidence gathered in their research process to establish their opinion or position on the topic in an essay designed to persuade others to share that. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content.

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